The Pigini Story
The PIGINI accordions: story of an Italian success

For our faithful and passionate customers, the accordions built by us, are not just simply musical instruments. They are history pieces of the Italian liuther’s shop, they are instruments of attractive passion, always on the move with the harmony of musical tones.
Our accordions are the means by which our musicians discover the power and the charm of the craftsmanship of our region, sharing it with people who represent and prove the Pigini experience. Like many other Italian successful histories, Pigini started with a small dream and a lot of hard work. Everything began on 6th June 1946, when Filippo Pigini registered the company “F.lli Pigini di Filippo” for the Chamber of commerce of Ancona. They immediately shipped several samples by activating trade relations with USA, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Argentina, Egypt and Pakistan. Right from the early days, Pigini has always supported the evolution of its instruments through radical changes and sophisticated restyling.
All these beautiful successful histories have always taken an important place in the heart of passionate musicians. In 2017 a new model was born, the Sirius Kyma. The story between Pigini and their accordions continues…
Nowadays, Pigini create and sell more than 200 accordion models and it exports in 42 countries around the world.
Dear musicians, we will keep searching alongside you new directions, new emotion, new accordions.

(…) quando qualcuno ci domanderà ancora:
“Ma la Fisarmonica ha un futuro?” risponderemo: