Nepomuk Golding was born in 2000 in Esslingen, Germany.

He began his musical studies on the accordion with Mr. Ulrich Schlumberger. He graduated from the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium Stuttgart in 2019 and continues at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen with Professor Hans Maier, accordion methodology with Friedemann Gisinger and Church Music with Professor Stefan Johannes Bleicher and Professor Michael Alber.

He attended masterclasses with Stefan Hussong, Gregorz Stopa, Jean-Christophe Dijoux, Aline Zylberajch Francesco Palazzo, Giorgio Dellarole and Mikko Luoma.

His repertoire includes early and contemporary music.

Nepomuk Golding works as a soloist and a chamber musician. He also performs in theater productions. He has performed at renowned concert halls (e.g.: Liederhalle Stuttgart, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Prague Conservatory) and has worked with Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Staatsoper Stuttgart, Philharmonisches Orchester Heidelberg and Sinfonietta Trossingen, and the Kunstdruck Central Theater Esslingen. He is always interested in co-operations with other artforms and can be heard at literature and art events.

Nepomuk Golding won 2nd place in 2016 and 1st place in 2019 at the Youth competition for music “Jugend musiziert”. He won 1st place with honor in 2018 at the “Hamburger Instrumental-Wettbewerb. In the same year he won 2nd place with gold honor at the 4th International Accordion days Prague.

His thorough studies of contemporary music led to collaborations with composers such as Johannes Schöllhorn, Niklas Seidl, David Holleber, Peter Beyer, Germán Medina and Hosea Winter. He had the opportunity to premiere some of their works.

Nepomuk was granted scholarships from the episcopical student funding Cusanuswerk and from the Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung.